I teach courses in English and Swedish, on campus and online, at most academic levels, on climate, geology, philosophy and history of science. Here are a few of my courses.
Climate Change - a geological perspective
An online course about climate, climate of the past, the climate crisis and climate change solutions, from a geological perspective. The course includes a field trip to Islay, Scotland.
Climate Change - An Interdisciplinary Perspective
An online course about the climate crisis, its roots, and possible solutions, from perspectives of the natural sciences, sustainability sciences and the humanities.
Sveriges geologi från urtiden till framtiden
An evening course in Swedish about the geology of Sweden starting nearly 3 billion years ago, before the rise of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere, and ending in the Anthropocene – the epoch of humans. The course includes a field trip to Skåne.
Philosophy and History of Science
Part of a campus course exploring Descartes and Newton, Hypothetico-deduction, Realism and anti-realism, and Rejection of rules. The course includes historical experiments concerning universal gravitation, wave-particle duality of light, Brownian motion and the Tower argument.
Tellus III - Geology
A field study for first year undergraduates, forming part of an online programme in geoscience. The field trip is to Utö and Nåttarö in the Stockholm archipelago.
Geological Sciences
Part of a campus course for first year undergraduates on geology. The course includes field trips to Utö in the Stockholm archipelago.
Understanding Earth
An online course about geoscience that is aimed at scholars from any background. The course includes a field trip to the Greek or Swedish islands. (for CIVIS)
Field Study in Geoscience
A field study for second year undergraduates, forming part of an online programme in geoscience. The field trip is to Vättern in Sweden.
Geological Project
A campus course for first year undergraduates on geology. The course includes field trips to Scotland.