I have published more than seventy academic papers on geology, earthquakes, tsunamis and climate change. Here are some of my favourites.
About climate
Brudin-Borg, C., Skelton, A.,
A critical utopian shared socioeconomic pathway
Futures 163, 103437
Read publication : A critical utopian shared socioeconomic pathwayNiemi, M., Skelton, A., Noone, K., et al.,
Lockdown Measures Which Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions With Little Negative Impact on Quality of Life
Earth's Future, 9, e2020EF001909
Read publication : Lockdown Measures Which Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions With Little Negative Impact on Quality of LifeSkelton, A., Kirchner, N. and Kockum I.,
Skewness of Temperature Data Implies an Abrupt Change in the Climate System Between 1985 and 1991
Geophysical Research Letters 47, e2020GL089794
Read publication : Skewness of Temperature Data Implies an Abrupt Change in the Climate System Between 1985 and 1991Skelton, A., Löwhagen, L., Fairchild, I.J., et al.,
Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in meteoric water during the Cryogenian Period
Precambrian Research 320, 253–260
Read publication : Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in meteoric water during the Cryogenian PeriodSkelton, A., Lewerentz, A., Kleine, B., et al.,
Structural Channelling of Metamorphic Fluids on Islay, Scotland: Implications for Paleoclimatic Reconstruction
Journal of Petrology 56, 2145-2172
Read publication : Structural Channelling of Metamorphic Fluids on Islay, Scotland: Implications for Paleoclimatic ReconstructionAbout earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis
Skelton, A., Sturkell, E., Mörth, CM. et al.,
Towards a method for forecasting earthquakes in Iceland using changes in groundwater chemistry
Communications Earth and Environment 5, 662
Read publication : Towards a method for forecasting earthquakes in Iceland using changes in groundwater chemistrySkelton, A., Liljedahl-Claesson, L., Wästeby, N., et al.,
Hydrochemical Changes Before and After Earthquakes Based on Long-Term Measurements of Multiple Parameters at Two Sites in Northern Iceland—A Review
ournal of Geophysical Research 124, 2702–2720
Read publication : Hydrochemical Changes Before and After Earthquakes Based on Long-Term Measurements of Multiple Parameters at Two Sites in Northern Iceland—A ReviewSkelton., A., Sturkell, E., Jakobsson, M., et al.,
Dimmuborgir: A rootless shield complex in northern Iceland
Bulletin of Volcanology 78, 40
Read publication : Dimmuborgir: A rootless shield complex in northern IcelandSkelton, A., Andrén, M., Kristmannsdóttir, H., et al.,
Changes in groundwater chemistry before two consecutive earthquakes in Iceland
Nature Geoscience 7, 752-756
Read publication : Changes in groundwater chemistry before two consecutive earthquakes in IcelandMård Karlsson, J., Skelton, A., Sandén M.,
Reconstructions of the coastal impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in the Khao Lak area, Thailand
Journal of Geophysical Research 114, C10023
Read publication : Reconstructions of the coastal impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in the Khao Lak area, ThailandClaesson, L., Skelton, A.D.L., Graham, C.M., Dietl, C., Mörth, M., Torssander, P. and Kockum, I.,
Hydrogeochemical changes before and after a major earthquake
Geology, 32, 641-644
Read publication : Hydrogeochemical changes before and after a major earthquakeAbout geology
Skelton, A., Peillod, A., Glodny, J., et al.,
Preservation of high-P rocks coupled to rock composition and the absence of metamorphic fluids
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 37, 359–381
Read publication : Preservation of high-P rocks coupled to rock composition and the absence of metamorphic fluidsSkelton, A., Mansfeld, J., Ahlin, S., et al.,
A compilation of metamorphic pressure–temperature estimates from the Svecofennian province of eastern and central Sweden
GFF 140, 1–10
Read publication : A compilation of metamorphic pressure–temperature estimates from the Svecofennian province of eastern and central SwedenTollefsen, E., Stockmann. G., Skelton, A., et al.,
Chemical controls on ikaite formation
Mineralogical Magazine 82, 1119-1129
Read publication : Chemical controls on ikaite formationGoodfellow, B. W., Skelton, A., Martel, S. J., et al.,
Controls of tor formation, Cairngorm Mountains, Scotland
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surfaces 119, 225-246
Read publication : Controls of tor formation, Cairngorm Mountains, ScotlandSkelton, A., Hode Vuorinen, J. and Arghe, F.,
Fluid-rock interaction at a carbonatite-gneiss contact, Alnö, Sweden.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 154, 75-90.
Read publication : Fluid-rock interaction at a carbonatite-gneiss contact, Alnö, Sweden.Skelton, A.D.L. and Valley, J.W.,
The relative timing of serpentinisation and mantle exhumation at the ocean-continent transition, Iberia: constraints from oxygen isotopes
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 178, 327-338.
Read publication : The relative timing of serpentinisation and mantle exhumation at the ocean-continent transition, Iberia: constraints from oxygen isotopesSkelton, A.D.L. and Elphick S.C.,
The detection of water-wetting in salt-rock by impedance measurement
Earth and Planetary Science Express Letters 174, 1-5
Read publication : The detection of water-wetting in salt-rock by impedance measurementSkelton, A.D.L., Graham, C.M. and Bickle, M.J.,
Lithological and Structural Controls on Regional 3-D Fluid Flow Patterns during Greenschist Facies Metamorphism of the Dalradian of the SW Scottish Highlands
Journal of Petrology 36, 563-586
Read publication : Lithological and Structural Controls on Regional 3-D Fluid Flow Patterns during Greenschist Facies Metamorphism of the Dalradian of the SW Scottish Highlands